Monday, May 17, 2010


°A decorative object of little value; a trifle or gewgaw.
15 May 2010

41 Points
Folderol? Terrific… Artwiculate's training us to tweet twaddle. o_O

23 Points
Folderol? Nonsense!

27 Points
Folderol, foofaraw & fribble: Top-3 things your average feral flibbertigibbet likes to finagle fellas into festooning her with …to keep her felicitous.

21 Points
Folderol? Gewgaw. EGADS!


°To speak or discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner.
14 May 2010

26 Points
The Sandman needn't bloviate ~ 'Cause he's got tons of sand ~ Stay awake? He'll alleviate ~ U of your tweets - UR definitely out-manned!

33 Points
The early bird always bloviate-s about how huge & juicy the worms were that he got that a.m. What a lot of effluvial wind!!

17 Points
"Go bloviate it out your…" No, wait - that would just create major effluvium.

23 Points
Want me to bloviate that balloon up, for you? I've got plenty of hot air (or so I'm told)! ;)

20 Points
Ah, all U pompous fellows ~ Who blow hot air like bellows ~ We don't want 2 hear U bloviate ~ So, go BLOW - don't vociferate!

37 Points
Don't bloviate your own horn!


°seemingly, apparently, on the surface.
13 May 2010

34 Points
Max was ostensibly endowed …or so he avowed. But once his redhead took stock, his 'manhood' was discovered to be mostly-sock.

[This tweet refers to tweep @MaxRaunchiness.]

25 Points
The bird who gets her worm at dawn is ostensibly an early bird …however, she's late, according to all of the other time-zones!

39 Points
I am, ostensibly, a bird. :)>


(n) : one who manipulates or controls another as by some mesmeric or sinister influence; especially with reference to coaches, mentors or industry moguls
12 May 2010

22 Points
Your svengali tactics won't work on me: It's been tried by the best of them, on me, so I can see right through it, now!

26 Points
The early bird uses svengali techniques to lure the worms out, at dawn: Mesmerizing worm-charming, mostly.

16 Points
Sven's Galley? That's that new Nordic diner over on 3rd, right? We should go there, sometime. #artwiculate svengali

20 Points
As your svengali, I am directing all who view this tweet to vote for it at ... NOW!!;)


(n) : a remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists; a cure-all; something that will solve all problems
16 May 2010

20 Points
Will the day ever come when computers come w/a panacea-protocol protection-program built-in? I need one NOW!!

26 Points
Origami: Panacea …or FOLDerol? :)

15 Points
The early bird discovered a panacea long, long ago (why do you think she's so motivated?!) …but she's not tweeting about it!

20 Points
Panacea or placebo? Does it matter …if it works?

15 Points
Twitter: panacea for the masses, modern snake-oil sales-vehicle for spammers.

15 Points
Artwiculate: panacea for the vocabulary- &/or ego-challenged? ;)

Friday, May 14, 2010


°Attended by, or making, a loud and tumultuous noise; boisterous.
°Noisily and stubbornly defiant.
11 May 2010

29 Points
Her fashion sense was beyond loud - it was SO obstreperous that her friends turned her in to 'What Not to Wear'.

22 Points
The propinquity of obstreperous planes pierced the pulchritudinous peacefulness of the pastoral plantation.

18 Points
Milquetoast tweeps are obstreperous whilst they sleep.

27 Points
Obstreperous - the word contains its' own cure: Strep! ;)

18 Points
The obstreperous bowel tolls, toils AND soils for thee …with much effluvium! 
(MT @dmriver)

15 Points
Obstreperous??? HA!!!!!!! *phbbbbbt!*

21 Points
Obstreperous - Wayward of the Day

23 Points
Chihuahuas: Tiny epitomes of obstreperous-ness.

26 Points
The early bird is never obstreperous: It scares the worms away!


°To confirm, ratify or approve, especially officially or legally.
10 May 2010

34 Points
Homologate? I approve! (I'll even validate & substantiate that, too!)

35 Points
Max wants a redhead to homologate ~ His raunchy line inviting a date ~ But she's only in the mood to repudiate.

21 Points
History's showed that one shouldn't conflate ~ Homologate-ing with Watergate!

25 Points
It was a gated community. EVERYthing had to be homologate-d via the homeowners committee.

20 Points
.@HereNowParkdale Really? Raillery? No need 2 homologate, then. Thx 4 the heads-up: My brain is mostly milquetoast. Or just plain toast! ;)

32 Points
So, to approve a gay marriage law, you'd homologate it? Is that idoneous, idiosyncratic, idyllic, ironic, oxymoronic …or just ineffable?


°meek, timid.
°A person of meek or timid disposition.
09 May 2010

[This word makes me hungry!]

16 Points
The milquetoast shall inherit the earth.

10 Points
Milquetoast tweet: ˆpǝǝp.ˆ

16 Points
The early bird's babies are definitely not milquetoast: Nope, regurgitated-worm-eaters all the way are they!! :)>


°Good-natured banter; raillery.
°Frivolous, lighthearted discussion of a topic.
08 May 2010

18 Points
Artwiculati internet imbroglio: Pedantic pleonastic palaverous persiflage? ;)

22 Points
No pointed persiflage THIS time ☮Think I'll stick to more-taciturn rhyme ☮Already have an imbroglio ☮In my Artwic portfolio!☺

32 Points
What do you call a persiflage plumage propinquity-party? A mockingbird flock block-klatch.

28 Points
Uh-O: Persiflage? AGAIN??! I sense an impending imbroglio. I doubt the Artwiculati will remain taciturn. Fisticuffs may ensue!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


(n) : a complicated situation; an entanglemen
07 May 2010

16 Points
Bad post-Cinco de Mayo hair day: Pelo imbroglio.

15 Points
There was an imbroglio in oleo at the seraglio …followed by a Turkish bath. Tickets were sold (you do the math).

17 Points
I have a strict policy against becoming embroiled in an imbroglio. 4get fisticuffs, 2: Give me a brusque infelicitous obloquy!

20 Points
Splash of dew on web ~ Imbroglio of fresh flies ~ Silk glue. Spider stew. 
#haiku #poetwist #artwiculate

20 Points
Crowe caws, "Got the goods!" ~ Imbroglio in the woods ~ Rich v. Robin Hoods'. 
#haiku #haikuthrowdown #artwiculate

PS This was a reference to the 2010 Robin Hood movie (starring Russell Crowe).

20 Points
Things turned taciturn ~ Hinky imbroglio turned ~ Cops turning their way.
#haiku #HaikuChallenge #artwiculate

32 Points
The imbroglio in the seraglio made the whores head for the doors.

24 Points
Imbroglio? Wasn't there one of those in the seraglio? Or is this déjà vu 2, like taciturn2?


°Silent; temperamentally untalkative; disinclined to speak.
06 May 2010

Oops - 'Taciturn' disappeared before I captured it.

Perhaps that's quite idoneous ...considering both its' meaning AND the fact that it was the second-time-around, for it, on Artwiculate! :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


°Showing no interest or enthusiasm.
05 May 2010

16 Points
I do hope @SJHatzi doesn't think I'm being lackadaisical about wishing her a happy birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SILIA!!!!! :0)

[HAD to do that! Silia is an Artwiculate Queen as well as the queen of birthday-wishes on Salon Artwois!]

16 Points
Okay, yes I AM VERrrrrry late with this tweet, but the word for the day IS lackadaisical, right???!! ;)

[How idoneous, indeed - I actually nearly forgot to tweet, today (horrid, I know, but I've been so busy, & only got online again just-barely before the end of the game-day -- I'm surprised to have gotten any points at all)!


(n) : a person who enjoys the arts; an amateur, someone who dabbles in a field out of casual interest rather than as a profession or serious interest
04 May 2010

26 Points
When it comes to #Artwiculate, I am an amateur ~ A dilettante, uninitiate, with hopes for raconteur. 

25 Points
The early bird's no dilettante: her singing is not some dabbling in a cultured pastime, but pure survival mixed with joie de vivre!


(n) : a love letter
03 May 2010

17 Points
Snuggle into bed ~ Beneath a quilt stitched with love ~ Billet-doux blanket. 
#haiku #artwiculate #Goodnight

13 Points
A billet-doux sent by messenger dove ♥ Minute love-letter on the wings of love.

22 Points
He let out a raucous ballyhoo ~ After reading the love-swept billet-doux ~ He had no want to roll in the hay ~ 'Twas from a guy & he wasn't gay.

39 Points
Tiny hand-print ~ A billet-doux in clay ~ Sweetest sentiment ~ For Mother's Day.

30 Points
Oh @osmarjardim, my love for you's true ~ So here is your billet-doux: ~ I want to nest in your hairdo! ♥☺

[Osmar had a habit of frequently-changing do's, on his avatar, for some time. This tweet was an ode to that.]

18 Points
When love survives beyond the billet-doux  ♥✉  After the stationery's become stationary ♥✉ That love is truly true. (IB @harrarp)

[NOTE: IB stands for "Inspired By", in this case.]

23 Points
Modern-day digital billet-doux: Sexting.

29 Points
His billet-doux was breathtakingly effective. Unfortunately, it was later destroyed in a passion-embued emollient-spill.

24 Points
The early bird, she gets her worm ~ It's odd, but very true ~ That she prefers her worms w/dew ~ O'er any billet-doux! 

26 Points
Holy suh-weeetness, Batman - I just got a billet-doux! / I'll bet it was your provocative 'dance', when U were chafing, earlier.

15 Points
A billet-doux's only pedantics are pulchritudinous, & never wanders w/its' lust. It's also followed by emollients …as long as it's not glib.

29 Points
♥ Oh @artwiculate, we're so happy 2 ♥ Write sweet tweets about our deep love 4U! ♥ Here's your own Word-of-the-Day billet-doux. ♥


(n) : something which softens or lubricates the skin; anything soothing, or that makes something more acceptable
(adj) : soothing; mollifying
02 May 2010

21 Points
Emollient bull-balm: Oil of Olé!

13 Points
Mafia kingpin: "You know what to do. He needs the emollient treatment." / WHAT, Boss?" / "RUB HIM OUT!!"

[This one was a slightly-modified recycling of my winning tweet from "embrocation".]

12 Points
'Emollient'? Is that some reference to the fact that May happens to be …umm …'Self Stimulation' Month? o_O

25 Points
Holy chafing, Batman - do U have any emollient? My suit's rubbing me all the wrong ways!/OK, but U might try wearing some underwear, Robin.

29 Points
You know, I haven't won artwiculate in a lonnng time: Anybody got an emollient for my ego? …Or perhaps an embrocation or elixir, instead! ☺


(adj) : having a ready flow of words but lacking accuracy or understanding; superficial; shallow; Smooth or slippery
01 May 2010

10 Points
Kudos 2 our ♛ Glib King, Asim (@asim7asim) - whose 'ku coup has left us beside ourselves: floating on the emollient acumen of his words! ★

34 Points
Glib waters run deep… right into a cesspool of BS.

20 Points
Glib? How'd you guess my middle name, @artwiculate?? ;)

34 Points
I don't mean to be glib, but …oh wait - yes I do! ;)


°A strong impulse or longing to travel.
30 April 2010

11 Points
I long to one day journey ~ To the Eternal Beyond ~ This earth can't hold my wanderlust ~ 'Cause Heaven holds my bond. 

[Nope - I don't actually have any type of death-wish; that's just a spiritually-based thought/poem, just in case that's striking anyone the wrong way. ;) ]

50 Points
Oh for a sense of wanderlust ~ To fly like a leaf on wind's brisk gusts ~ With passion's awe & fairy-dust. 

[Yay - finally got some decent points on my li'l poem, here. :) ]

27 Points
The early bird will migrate for miles to get the matutinal worm. Short supply in her sector? Nope: wanderlust!


°Like a pedant, overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.
°Being showy of one’s knowledge, often in a boring manner.
29 April 2010

11 Points
The pedantic may rule, on proprietary principles, but petrichor reigns on the redolence of rains. ☂

26 Points
The pedantic bird gets the worm because she always follows the matutinal rules of nature.

I can't recall if I tweeted more than 2 entries on this day... oh well.

The first tweet (above), I'm told, is now "in Best15 for AprilFornight-2 at" - how nice (especially since I tweeted it very late in the day & it barely got any points on Artwiculate)! :)


(n) : the deliberate omission of something; the omission of a letter or syllable between two words; sometimes marked with an apostrophe
28 April 2010

Yep, you guessed it: 'Elision' got cut from my Artwiculate page, too. How idoneous ...AND erroneous! :(

Ah, well. I'm not gonna cry about a bunch of spilt apostrophe's! At least it's not an Apocalypse! ;)


°Of, or pertaining to, the fox.
°Having the characteristics of a fox.
27 April 2010

Whoops - I wasn't foxy enough to save these from my Artwiculate page before they disappeared! :(

Oh well, none of mine made the top-50, anyway; & I'm too lazy to look them up in my stream, right now. :)

Friday, April 30, 2010


°To seize power from another, usually by illegitimate means.
°To use and assume the coat of arms of another person.
26 April 2010

33 Points
Holy coup, Batman - it's the Usurp-er! / Actually Robin, that's the US-Urper. U might want to back up a bit. His barf's egregiously effluvial.

49 Points
BREAKING NEWS: The early bird did NOT get the worm, today! The nightingale usurp-ed her, & got the worm first!

41 Points
Which Artwiculati will usurp our current king? ~ What cleverness & wit will their tweet bring? ~ Oh the suspense! ~ They should charge sixpence! ☺

Thursday, April 29, 2010


(n) : a collection of things which have been gathered together or assembled
25 April 2010

17 Points
It's time to search for ~ Night's gathering assemblage ~ Sweet dreams within sheets. 
#haiku #haikuchallenge (search) #artwiculate #GoodNight

22 Points
2's a couple, 3's a love triangle, & an assemblage is just an all-out orgy. I'll stick w/2, thank you. 
#theprompt #artwiculate

17 Points
She had found the love of her life, Mr. Right …or so she thought …until she discovered his extensive, treasured assemblage of scat. Drat! ☹

20 Points
☝Due to the fact that the Library of Congress will be permanently storing EVERY tweet, in assemblage, all of my future tweets will be dull.

15 Points
Thanks - I appreciate your little assemblage of RT's! ;) @catmar604 @joeknaack @dsceiorg

27 Points
Ah, Imelda & her vast assemblage of shoes ~ Mercenary extreme …or a gal's right to choose? ;)
#poem #artwiculate

10 Points
.@JonPowles RE: Shoes - Maybe they weren't bought by an assemblage of individuals. Might've just been Imelda Marcos or Oprah.☺

25 Points
The Artwiculati: An assemblage of players of Artwiculate who've accumulated assemblages of top-tweets. ★

26 Points
Holy villains, Batman - it's an assemblage of all our nemeses! / GREAT: We can use our new egregiously-effluvial Bat Bomb, the Guano Grenade!

29 Points
The early bird never collects an assemblage of worms: Fresh is best, & they don't keep well (talk about an effluvial smell)!


°A person with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge.
24 April 2010

30 Points
As an early bird, Polly has no need of math other than worm-counting: She eshews polymath-y 4 her singular field of study …catching worms.

48 Points
Only a polymath would know that it has nothing to do with math or Polly. … A polymath, OR perhaps an Artwiculati! :)


(adj) : Leaping or skipping about; Jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order or rational connection; without logical sequence; disconnected; immethodical; aimless
23 April 2010

15 Points
@LesMacDee Indeed you MIGHT need tissues! Blinded 2 tears by the bedazzlement & effluvium of my redolent infelicitous, desultory tweets, RU?

44 Points
The early bird's desultory hunt is ruled by scent, not scintilla - she doesn't need to be bedazzled, but likes worms which smell of vanilla.

30 Points
My synapses fire in infelicitous ways ~ Lighting up in bedazzled arrays ~ I tweet betwixt their desultory forays.
#poem #artwiculate #humor

28 Points
The early bird goes on a desultory peregrination every morning to get her worms.


°Unhappy or unfortunate.
°Inappropriate in application; not well said, expressed, or done.
22 April 2010

35 Points
How infelicitous that parting now is nigh ~ I flit, I fly …"Bye-bye"! [*waving wings*]
#poem #micropoetry

30 Points
O dear, I have the hiccups! How infelicitous. *hic-tweet!* Then again, hiccups conflated w/effluvium would be more egregious!

44 Points
Effluvium is especially infelicitous if you're sequestered in a seraglio.

23 Points
Holy sausage-&-eggs, Batman - the fit of our superhero-suits is SO infelicitous!/MayB so, Robin, but they R aerodynamic & the girls luv 'em!

33 Points
Latter-day birds may be infelicitous, but the early bird is always annoyingly chirpy & prosperous.


°a gaseous or vaporous emission, especially a foul-smelling one.
°a condition causing the shedding of hair.
21 April 2010

Oh cr@p, my effluvium dissipated. Too bad, it was quite the gas!

Then again, probably for the best, aye?! ;)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


(n) : the palace of the Grand Seignior in Constantinople; the sequestered living quarters used by wives and concubines in a Turkish Muslim household
20 April 2010

25 Points
Seraglio sororities may be subjugated, secretive & secluded, but sirs slip in-&-out sometimes, spasmodically …surpassingly-so.

10 Points
Sir Ragl: Yo! YOU da ho! Your seraglio ? What GALL, ya know?!
#poem #artwiculate #simplythetruth #dontbeshocked

22 Points
Seraglio : The Turkish troglodyte's den-of-iniquity.

31 Points
Erudite males use the term 'Seraglio' ~ To keep their activities on the down-low ~ 'Cause 'whorehouse' just sounds so depraved, you know.

17 Points
Seraglio?? Yep, you're definitely enjoying systemically vitiating us, with each successive WOTD, aren't you, @artwiculate?! ;)


°to spoil, make faulty; to reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of something.
°to debase or morally corrupt.
19 April 2010

10 Points
Troglodyte virus ~ Computer fully caved in ~ Vitiated tech.
#haiku #artwiculate

10 Points
A hot-headed eruption ~ Can lead to world corruption ~ Volcano's ash can vitiate ~ So, peeps: Calm down - conciliate!

15 Points
My brain has been vitiate^d into Swiss cheese ~ Do not take my mental lapses personally, please.
#poem #micropoetry #artwiculate

16 Points
Holy perversions, Batman, it's that 'vitiate'-epitome, @MaxRaunchiness!/Let's make like flying troglodytes, Robin, or he'll make us cave!

15 Points
The early bird's been vitiated by the kiss of the sun's 1st rays & the promise of the enticing delight of fresh, juicy worms.

20 Points
I may be incorrigible, but if you try to vitiate me, you will fail. 
#artwiculate #SimplyTheTruth #DontBeShocked

Congrats to Paul (@pn8r of the "A Perendinator's Musings" blog) for the winning tweet!:

Only a corrupt referee could both officiate and vitiate a game at the same time!

Monday, April 19, 2010


°A member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves or holes, a caveman.
°(by extension) Anything that lives underground.
18 April 2010

30 Points
At the bar, Wizen drank prune juice, Tergiversate wanted a waffle, & the brusque Troglodyte downed a bottle of Brut cologne. (MT @Ysabeluna)

30 Points
They got into a kerfuffle ~ In the middle of the night ~ 'Cause she told him a truffle ~ Was also a troglodyte.

30 Points
Say, may I be frank? ~ Regarding my troglodyte: ~ He's awesome, at night!
#haiku #haikuthrowdown (frank) #artwiculate

35 Points
I keep the locket ~ With my troglodyte's photo ~ Encaved in-pocket.
#haiku #haikuchallenge (pocket) #artwiculate

33 Points
Signs you might be dating a troglodyte: 1.) The petrichor of Eau de Damp-Cave smell precedes him.

31 Points
The troglodyte needs not tergiversate over which side of the fence he should spew his golden accolades, 2day. There is no fence in his cave.

45 Points
Modern troglodytes ~ Holed up in their office-caves ~ Before glowing screens. 
#haiku #artwiculate troglodyte

41 Points
The troglodyte, inured to the penumbra of his fire's shadows upon the cave's walls, is satisfied with the status quo. Me? No.

31 Points
Most ppl say, "Ugh! Troglodyte?~O, Hun, don't U want more?!" ~ I've no need 2 make 'em see the light ~ I don't find him a boor.

33 Points
Pulchritude & the Troglodyte : Beauty & the Beast

29 Points
Names of ex-husbands: Lummox, Philistine, Troll, Nemesis, Troglodyte & Oaf. ;)

31 Points
The winner of the reality-show 'Mole' contest was the troglodyte who tergiversated the best. His surprise prize? A hedgehog.

39 Points
The early bird always gets the troglodyte (since worms all live underground)!

32 Points
Contrary to popular belief, troglodyte^s are NOT extinct: modern men are still partial to their 'man caves' (i.e. garages/basements/dens)!

38 Points
Ah, yes, the Troglodyte : First-cousins to the Trolls, both related to the Lummox's & Philistines, if I recall correctly. ;)


°To evade, to equivocate using subterfuge; to deliberately obfuscate.
°To change sides or affiliation; to apostatize.
17 April 2010

25 Points
They think they're sly, deep ~ Those who tergiversate us ~ Shallow finaglers! 
#haiku #theprompt (shallow) #artwiculate

22 Points
He thinks he's so sly ~ To tergiversate, that guy ~ I say, "UGH!! Buh-BYE!!" 
#haiku #theprompt (sly) #artwiculate #poem

15 Points
The epitome ~ Of 'tergiversate' devoured ~ All their sanity.
#haiku #haikuthrowdown (devour) #artwiculate

17 Points
Smoke & garishness ~ Those who tergiversate things ~ Fog & foofaraw. 
#haiku #haikuchallenge (garish) #artwiculate

21 Points
Could I get some maple syrup w/those waffles UR feeding me? U tergiversate so much, the least U could do is sweeten things up!

17 Points
Tergiversate Taskforce: Shuffle Board

15 Points
Tergiversate : 2 be 2-faced.