Thursday, April 1, 2010


°Arrogantly superior; showing contemptuous indifference; haughty.
30 March 2010

30 Points
The Sandman isn't haughty~'Tho he IS very naughty. He's not so supercilious ~ But he's got super-silica's! #poem #Goodnight

Well, not too bad, for being totally torpid, I suppose. ;)

22 Points
Ah, yes, 'Supercilious' …otherwise known as your 'Ex' (-spouse/-boss, etc.) …hopefully!

I don't know about you, but I've heard of a few (& from what it sounds, it's much better to have them as an ex- than a current).

21 Points
"Batman, who WAS that über-upity villain?" / "Oh, don't mind him, Robin, that was just SuperCilious & his epic ego."

Well, the supercilious do usually have big egos, right (&/or elitist/entitled attitudes). Didn't do much for folks, tho, it seems (by lack-of-pts).

53 Points
The supercilious ~ Are us'ally bilious ~ Snidely attentive & ~ Anal-retentive ~ To the point of being punctilious. #poem

I was in the mood to rhyme. ;) Hadn't known the word 'punctilious' previously, tho. Shortly after I tweeted, MW tweeted a heads-up that we'd both been in near-simultaneous rhyming moods, apparently:

@mw1414  Henrieta was vry punctilious/Her habits made mst ppl bilious/As a child;so precocious/Her neatnss ferocious/&2 top tht she acts supercilious

Actually, Miranda & I had also simultaneously-tweeted Superhero entries, at about that same time, too:

@Tralala56 Watch out Superman, here comes Supercilious, with his superior outfit he can be overbearing at times!

So, it was fun tweeting back & forth w/them about those & calling 'jinx!' & such.  It happens quite a bit that we-all will tweet w/similar themes & such - which is fun are the creative & original varieties of tweets, as well.
56 Points
Supercilious?? Reeeeally… just WHO do you think we ARE, Artwiculate - to give us such bourgeois words to play with?! Hmmph!

Looks like our players enjoyed the straightforward false-contempt tweet of mine the best, today (w/my short-poem a close second.

A highlight of the day was that our WOTD was a natural mondegreen for one of our dear Artwiculati queens: (Super-) Silia.  Although, Super Silia's character was no synonym for the word; but our players are equally-excellent w/antonyms, & it-all led to multiple creative tweets using her as her subject, as below:

@Tralala56 Super Silia, so wonderfully sweet is she, she's no more supercilious than a flea (NB flea is an endearing term in French).

Thank goodness Miranda explained that flea part! LOL
@ZimmerJohn Far from being supercilious, @SJHatzi is the kindest, most welcoming Tweep on #artwiculate. She is Super Silia in my view.

Aww. (What a sycophant! lol Just kidding - John's the one who wrote my personal haiku.)

@TiddK Super Silia is our honest poet of passion & philosophy, our questing diva. SuperCilious ? Not her!

Nice!  ... Hmm, I seem to have forgotten to favorite the rest of them? Perhaps the rest will post theirs beneath here (&/or I'll look them up later)?

Anyway, I ended up posting the following (which ended up being entries, also [forgot to mangle the WOTD, again]):

36 Points
@SJHatzi Half a dozen "Super Silia" tweets so far, in your honor ...& counting! (All UN-supercilious ones, of course.) ☺

30 Points
Ah, you too (on the Super Silia thing)? Well, you simply MUST join all of us (or you'd be supercilious)! ;) @navinsasikumar

And here was what ended up to be my joining-in, on that:

34 Points
Supercilious-FragilisticXpAlidocious~SuperSilia's wonderful & never's been atrocious!~It cannot be said enough that she is quite precocious!

1 comment:

  1. Oops - the text/fonts are pretty much a mess in this post. Oh well, I gotta fly, & don't feel like fixing it! lol (That's the nice part about having a blog that's not read by many.)
