Tuesday, March 30, 2010


29 March 2010

(adj) :
Peculiar to a specific individual; eccentric

30 Points

Annoying Sandman ~ Idiosyncratic Elf! ~ Sand in EYES? REALLY??! #haiku #Goodnight

I sort of have a Goodnight/Sandman haiku series going ...which naturally evolved from tweeting 'til I'm ready to drop, which leads to odd thoughts about mythic characters from childhood, combined with a last flash of inspiration from my muse, crossed with fatigue & hashtagged with that regularly trending-twitter-topic, "Goodnight." If you've followed my twitter page, this is old news.

25 Points

Idiosyncratic conflation of cynosures & @marcosarroyos: #WeaponizedCelebs?! LOL (via @languageNhumor)

When I saw that hashtag (& multiple tweets w/various celeb-combos) posted on Kevin's page, I couldn't help but think of Marcos' macabre serial killer tweets ...&, of course, our previous star-related word, as well (which, BTW, I happened across again in the new yesterday [NYT or AP]).

25 Points

Totally conflated ...AND idiosyncratic: #actorfoods! LOL (via @andibob)

...then Andi posted this one (with multiple tweets of the conflations). Can we say ... ... ... [oh, crud, I was thinking of one of our WOTD's that had to do with eating, but I can't remember it, now!!] *sigh* lol

25 Points

Man, I think I'll start a band called My Idiosyncratic Come-On's. (MT @MaxRaunchiness)

This was a 'modified tweet' inspired by this tweet by Max (a serial series of his, BTW) - I couldn't resist pointing out his eccentric pick-up lines ...as opposed to the obvious which he stated, here:

RT @MaxRaunchiness Man, I think I'll start a band called My Idiosyncratic Romance.

26 Points

King Aaron precociously asked the idiosyncratic fool 4 a joke, but he only gesticulated repeatedly, being the court gesture. MT @MaryJenkins

This was a 'modified tweet' inspired by this tweet by Mary (in which she was also referencing Aaron's having been 'King' of Artwiculate, yesternight)':

RT @MaryJenkins King @AaronLivingston precociously asked the fool for a joke. The idiosyncratic fool only shrugged repeatedly. He was the court gesture.

[I'd kinda thought I'd like to fit a mime reference in there (&/or doppelganger), but the tweet-police stopped me before I sped past 140. But, at any rate, I couldn't resist MT-ing it, in order to squeeze in that previous WOTD.]

23 Points

Nate was a great date …until women found out about his idiosyncratic need to hoard bat-scat. Then they'd guano break up.

I kinda liked this one. Obviously more than other people did (by the looks of the points, anyway). Probably too much. I mean, it was a pretty crappy tweet. [*groan* - Don't laugh, now; you don't guano make me use more heinous puns!!]

53 Points

"Batman, don't you find our superhero-outfits exceedingly idiosyncratic?" / "I think that's kind of the point, Robin."

Ha! Glad others seemed to enjoy THIS one, anyway! ;-D

28 Points

The early Wordy Birdie has idiosyncratic worm-choices: She only catches worms which happen to form letters of the alphabet.

Kinda reminds me of alphabet-soup or Alpha-Bits cereal! ;)

42 Points

Silia's a idiosyncratic feather~A friend for any type of weather~As beautiful as she is clever~Good at her ev'ry endeavor. (cc @SJHatzi)

I chose a few other Artwiculate players as topics (except for the obviously-eccentric Max, I think they were ones whose names were right in front of me when I opened my replies, or something).

39 Points

Our Savannah is a star~A mixtress mistress at the bar~Simultaneously serving poems~An idiosyncratic collector of gnomes. (@StarOfSavannah)

✎ Star had just mixed up a new signature libation for the Salon Artwois bar - which had been posted along with a special poem she'd mixed up to go with it (peachy!).

Star responded:

RT @StarOfSavannah @tWordBird I love it, Birdie! Such a wonderful poem!

I replied:

tWordBird: @StarOfSavannah YW, Star - glad you liked your poem. ~Birdie Bard :)>

Star replied:

RT @StarOfSavannah @tWordBird You are a bard, Birdie. So honored you thought of me while you were composing.

To which I replied:

.@StarOfSavannah Yes, I obviously gave great thought to that & your particular idiosyncrasies (psychic, wasn't I, about the gnomes?). ;0)

36 Points

Max's idiosyncratic redhead-ho~Is imaginary - nothing mo'~ Yet she's what he is living for. #SalonArtwois (cc @MaxRaunchiness)

As I said, Max was just the obvious - the epitome of the WOTD; & his infamous redhead was just begging to be messed with, as well. ;)

28 Points

Osmar's changing, idiosyncratic hair ~ Makes up for overuse of Nair ~ And keeps his mirror's reply, "Fair." (cc @osmarjardim)

That's right - OSMAR! His capricious ever-changing twit-pic hairdo actually was the first thing to pop into my head at the mention of the WOTD. lol

See the final top-5o for this word at: http://artwiculate.com/words/idiosyncratic

Sunday, March 28, 2010


(adj) : characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity; exhibiting advanced skills at an abnormally early age
28 March 2010

16 Points

Precocious children~Both a blessing & a curse~Given to parents~Whether they're formerly-one~Or just hebetudinous.#tanka #haiku

This didn't really turn out well as a tanka. I'd meant it to mean that the parents may be formerly-precocious &/or hebetudinous, themselves ...& that, as such (either way), it is both trying & delightful to have a precocious child, especially (though that's really true of any child [being both]). It just didn't come out very readable/enjoyable in this forced-syllabic format (which I realized more-fully later, when I'd reread it).

44 Points

Precocious as a child ~ Amusing yet polite ~ She's now a-touch-of-wild ~ My muse is a delight! #poem

She IS indeed delightful ...when she actually shows up. I rather feel as if she's been on some sort of extended holiday, lately, though!! ;)

41 Points

I felt precocious, before I started playing with 'persiflage'. Now I'm just egregiously-disheveled w/an add'l odious misnomer.

This one's an ode to my wicked li'l shenanigans w/the previous WOTD ...& to the fact that I already use a 'nom de plume' & likely had various tweeps adding other choice names for me, after that! ;)

50 Points

The Artwiculati were indubitably all precocious children! ☺ #Artwiculate

Ah - SO true, aye? Well, at least it struck enough of a cord amongst our Artwiculati to garner a top-20 spot for the day. ;)

I'd also like to make mention of three tweet-entries for this WOTD from other Artwiculati on the topic of precocious birds:

RT @TiddK The precocious bird catches the bird, then runs off to show Mum

I really enjoyed the simple truth of this one - it's just a succinct essence of childlike precociousness with the lovely bird-twist to it!

RT @JonPowles The precocious bird built a worm farm.

Ha! Love how this one goes that step-beyond (as precocious children also do), & packs everything into a mere 7 words (since I'm challenged at succinctness, myself). It should have made the top-50 (wish I'd seen it, but I was offline most of this day)!

RT @AaronLivingston The precocious bird gets the worm and classifies it by phylum. #artwiculate #salonartwois

As I commented, later, to Aaron - I loved the Wordy Birdie sort of topic of this tweet. A delight in it's clever twist on the now well-established 'early bird' theme, amongst the Artwiculati, this tweet just makes you smile all-round ...which is why Aaron got a very well-deserved win with it, for the day. (Congrats, again, Aaron!)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Disheveled: (adj) : untidy or unkempt; messy
27 March 2010

20 Points
Time to tidy up the nest ~ To that state of disheveled-ness that's best!
['True-story' tweet. I needed to do some chores around the house; but most nests are best when they're not overly-tidied, ya know? ...warmer, & more cozy/lived-in.]

27 Points
Whew de Persiflage - New cologne guaranteed to lighten up the most disheveled gentleman. (MT @kings_indian)

[This was an MT of what turned out to be the winning tweet of the day! Mine, as you can see, was a poor pauper of a royal tweet. lol]

RT @kings_indian The discerning gentleman's cologne of choice - eau de persiflage

...& my Congrats-tweet:

Kudos 2 our ♛Persiflage King ofKings, Ram (@kings_indian) - whose creation of a new lighthearted cologne 4men redolently captured the crown.

23 Points
#EarthHour : A good excuse for having a darkly-disheveled dalliance. ;) #artwiculate
[This was a tie-in to the @earthhour global event (www.earthhour.org) ...& also a tie-in to @ultracutebot's tweetsmut facinations (of which mine are usually on the tame/euphemistic side). lol]

35 Points
Saturday. Slept in. ~ Delightfully disheveled. ~ Lovely listlessness. #haiku
[I'm fond of the alliterative-groupings in this haiku. It was also inspired by a true-to-life sleep-in (in fact, I still felt too much lassitude to tweet much more than that, for some time lol).

Persiflage - Playful Banter &/or Tweet-Floggings ;0)


°Good-natured banter; raillery.
°Frivolous, lighthearted discussion of a topic.
26 March 2010

Ha! This was a fun one. ... Perhaps a wee bit TOO fun! ;)

I don't know what got into me (*mischievous eye-twinkle*), but I decided to have a little lighthearted fun to the extreme, with this WOTD (word of the day). Since 'persiflage' was a synonym of 'raillery' - a previous Artwiculate WOTD - I decided to recycle/modify/MT some of the top 'raillery' tweets as some 'persiflage' entries.

Call it a social/psychological experiment or call it an artwiculate points-test or call it a flippantly-wicked (*evil-li'l-chirpy-chuckle*) incitement of banter &/or riot-of-raillery. The latter is probably most-accurate, as I was confident that the Artwiculati would quickly catch on to my little game.

Sure 'nuff, word quickly got out to @routermonkey about my (MT-@-less) 'recycling' of his tweet.

Here's his original 'raillery' tweet:

RT @routermonkey Bob's schizophrenia was mild - the voices in his head only engaged in raillery.

...and here's my MT (i.e. "modified tweet") WOTD entry of it:

34 Points
Sam's schizophrenia was mild: the voices in his head only engaged in persiflage.

[Granted, not modified much (maybe 10% or so?) ...tho, I must say I much-prefer the alliterative quality which the name Sam added to it, tho *evil-giggle*.]

Here's Monkey's response to my uber-persiflage play:

RT @routermonkey Hey @twordbird, not cool recycling my raillery tweet for persiflage today. #artwiculate

[Which, BTW, was RT'd by @SJHatzi ~7 min later. ;)]

...to which I responded w/the following 2 tweets:

@tWordBird: Just trying 2 incite some persiflage, @routermonkey …tho your "not cool" seems decidedly lacking in "lighthearted banter." Hmm

[Well, it was - totally lacking in the good-natured humor/wit portion of the definition, I'd say. Hmph.]

@tWordBird: I promise to recycle your crown for you, should my persiflage-MT of your schizophrenic raillery win, @routermonkey. ;)

[Think anyone's lightening up enough to flip(-pantly) me the Birdie, yet?! *evil chirp* lol]

So ...oh what a tangled web we weave ...when first we practice to mess w/the artwiculati's original tweets (& their/our associated egos?)! ;) Can we say 'taboo' (what was that taboo-related word we had, recently ...I can't think of it, now ...oh well)??

While I didn't hear back from @routermonkey, I DID get an earful (do birds have ears? lol) from @ultracutebot:

RT @ultracutebot @tWordBird since when did inciting persiflage become the trojan horse for recycling others' tweets without crediting them? cc: @routermonkey

[UH-oh. YIKES! "Trojan horse"? Seriously??]

So, I replied:

@tWordBird: .@ultracutebot Now, who said I was never going to credit the dear monkey?! Wow. (…&, TODAY, since it's the WOTD). cc: @routermonkey

[I realize I likely worded my response tot the "when" question poorly, since I don't at ALL see this as some sort of subversive warlike move to attempt to win w/someone else's tweet (rather, I was trying to refer to the 'lighten UP' aspects of the WOTD's playful definition). My theory was/is, actually, that points-giving can be highly-capricious; & my expectations were that my MT's/recyclings would not receive near as many points/RT's, when I tweeted them (different day, different tweeter, slightly different modifications, & a host of other variables).]

My plan, from the beginning of this (though not at all as thoroughly thought-out as this blog-post sounds, granted - after the fact) had been to allow the recyclings-/MT's & (especially) their original authors/tweets to be brought out by the artwiculati &/or to reveal them afterwards, if need be.

I followed that response with another 'lighthearted banter' tweet ...this time formed as an Artwiculate entry:

Some people can become very piqued at playful persiflage!!

...to which dear Cutie-Bot replied:

RT @ultracutebot some people can be very flippant about others' intellectual property while hiding behind the guise of playful persiflage

[Ohhh dear! The artwiculati circuitry (i.e. of routers & bots) seemed to be shorting out all over the place! ;) So much for that 'lighthearted playfulness' part of persiflage! ...in fact that was what I'd tweeted, after QTBot's "some people" tweet:

tWordBird: Yikes - sounds like @ultracutebot's circuits are about to blow a fuse! Somebody throw some coolant her way!

Actually, QTbot's last tweet, there, also brought to mind the whole "intellectual property" reality, when it comes to tweets (especially) & other posted materials ...of which I'd run across some interesting info recently. So, I've looked up another one (I had also RT'd one, not too long ago, but I'm not sure where that one is, at the moment) - here's that link, if anyone's interested:


...and speaking of this-all, on a related note of interest, I believe that many/most of these games (Artwiculate-included) have things in their terms & conditions which state that our creations - once posted on their websites - are considered to be non-confidential and non-proprietary & that they're free to use/distribute/profit from it however they may choose (which I must admit that I personally find a bit disconcerting, in a way - I don't know).

Anywho... if you're wondering how things ended up w/the schizophrenia tweet: I never heard back from Router Monkey; ultracutebot included me in a #FollowFriday tweet the next day (which is a recommendation to others to follow me, for anyone who's not Twitter-fluent out there) ...although, I had to wonder, briefly, if that might be an #ff-you or something LOL; &, as you can see, my MT'd tweet didn't garner anywhere near winning points (or even top-50-board worthy - the lowest scores that made it were a point above that); & my MT'd tweet of my OWN previous top-50 'raillery' tweet about mockingbirds made it into the top-20.

So, on to the rest of the logue-roll for the blog.

Here are the rest of my MT'd tweets for the day - along w/their original tweet-inspirations:

50 Points
Persiflage : Swordplay with t'wits.

@SJHatzi Raillery - fencing with wit.

[I think I jabbed a bit more than Silia did, with my foil! lol I rather like hers better, tho. But it was 'my' next-highest, points-wise.]

51 Points
Ah, yes, "persiflage"… we have persiflage EXPERTS, within the bird world! Haven’t you heard of the MOCKINGbirds??!

[This one was the MT of my own previous tweet. Here's my original one (which had made it into the top-ten, previously (6th or tied-for 4th, depending on how you count):]

tWordBird: Ah, yes, "raillery"… we have raillery EXPERTS, within the bird world! Haven’t you heard of the MOCKINGbirds??!

45 Points
Bartwender, persiflage all around! The wisecracks are on me! #SalonArtwois

@harrarp Barman, raillery all around! The joke is on me!

30 Points
Persiflage is hard on a person: My funny-bone feels persecuted!

@MarilynLittle Raillery is a workout. My funny-bone is sore as heck.

40 Points
If you want to pursue ~ An 'other' for you ~ Persiflage is key! ~ We-all know, you see ~ That to wit is to woo!

@Tralala56 Every owl knows that to win the heart of your loved one you need to be good at artful raillery ~ To wit, to woo!

21 Points
If life keeps plunging you into the poorhouse, hold onto your persiflage …& your pursestrings!

@kado56 When life keeps tripping you up, hold onto raillery!
[Again, I like Katy's better. Persiflage was a challenging MT, with this one.]

22 Points
We enjoy daily persiflage~As true twits or camouflaged~Crafting our daily tweets~Makes our days so sweet~Pls won't U retweet?

@Ysabeluna we enjoy daily raillery / as true blue Artwicullati/ crafting daily tweet/ make our day sweet/ please re-tweet/

You can also view the players' original/previous 'raillery' tweet-entries here: http://artwiculate.com/words/raillery

...& the rest of my entries (from last to first, here on in):

38 Points
I fly into night ~ On the wings of persiflage ~ Dream lighthearted dreams. #haiku #Artwiculate #Goodnight
[I rather like the birdlike references & the oneiric quality of this one, myself.]

20 Points
Some people can become very piqued at playful persiflage!!
[As above. Actually got 20 pts!]

20 Points
Hey! You'd better watch your persiflage or I'll flog ya with my purse!
[What a baaad pun/mondegreen-attempt!]

34 Points
Yes, I am a persifleur ~ I'll persiflage U whilst U endure ~ But there's one thing U can't refute: ~ I shall never perseCUTE!
[Oh dear - it's only getting worse. lol Although, I suppose it does make a point of sorts, at least?]

26 Points
Persiflage? Oh, you mean those bantam chicks? ;)>
[Again - the bantam/banter thing, here, is a groaner ...but still managed to get 26pts! And, hey - it IS bird-related, although foul. lol]

20 Points
Never treat a persimmon with persiflage - you'll end up looking a bloody mess! ;)
[Hmm... well, there is some truth in that one, isn't there? Those suckers/seeds stain!]

19 Points
Thx 4 keeping my persiflage tweets going (w/ur RTs) @osmarjardim @Ysabeluna @SJHatzi @catmar604 @itzquauhtli @coinopratdchris @ultracutebot
[Umm, this one was an accidental-entry: I forgot to mangle the word so that it wouldn't end up on the artwiculate website. lol]

20 Points
I promise to recycle your crown for you, should my persiflage-MT of your schizophrenic raillery win, @routermonkey. ;)
[How on earth did this & the next one actually garner 20 pts, I wonder?!]

20 Points
Just trying 2 incite some persiflage, @routermonkey …tho your "not cool" seems decidedly lacking in "lighthearted banter." Hmm
[As above.]

THE END (...for now ...until I get another feather up my beak to do something else annoying [hey, it's not like it hasn't been done to me, before, out there in Twitterdom &/or the Artwic-Circle, either]!)


Archipelago: °A group of islands. °Something scattered around like an archipelago.
25 March 2010

16 Points
Artwiculate: The twttr-based WOTD competition that helps clever people look clever &helps the rest of us learn an archipelago of new words.

[Ah, yes - yet another take on the Artwic slogan ...tho not a particularly clever one. *yawn*]

40 Points
Creamy, silken sea ~ Archipelago of moles ~ Nature's best at tatts. #artwiculate

[I was delighted at the serendipity of finding that another player had tweeted such a similar haiku (neither of us realizing...)]

RT @Wifsie Bewitching freckles / golden archipelago / in a sea of pearl/ #haiku #artwiculate

57 Points
Sadly, an unexpected power failure at #SalonArtwois left an archipelago of belly-up goldfish floating in the aquarium. ><> <><

[This one seemed to be popular ...as the Artwiculati's goldfish are, also ...& it is also rather reminiscent of @MarcosArroyos' macabre tweets. LOL Plus, tweeps found the li'l text-goldfish symbols appealing (I do, too - glad I remembered those).]

44 Points
Yesternight I archipelago~ed some penne pasta all over the kitchen floor.

[This was a "true story" tweet! lol I'm SUCH a clutz.]

46 Points
I'm a feathery flighty flibbertigibbet: an archipelago ~But if your penchant's to call me Peninsula, it's an indubitable misnomer, U know!

[Perhaps, after 'penne' AND 'Peninsula', you should just call me 'Penny' ...or would that just be another misnomer? ;) ]

48 Points
No person is an island~We function as a band~We are incomplete ourselves, you know~But entire as an archipelago. #ஒகிம்டோன்னேநோவ்

[Not sure why I'm stuck on Donne, lately - this was at least my second one ...tho the island theme was a no-brainer-connection, w/this WOTD.]

Other it's-been-Donne related tweets by the Artwiculati:

RT @TiddK No man is an island: those words are Donne/ & as we hear the tolling bell we know / that in a vast archipelago of souls we dwell

RT @JonPowles No man is an island, but sometimes I resemble an archipelago

RT @celticgladiator No man is an archipelago

RT @Beepbidlio No man is an island, but he could be part of an archipelago. #artwiculate

And, now I'M Donne (for the moment - tho I sense more opportunities to come, w/that one)!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


15 Points
Euphemism : Weasel-word of the Day

27 Points
Viagra slogan euphemism: "Did you take the gold at the Lake Flaccid Olympics?
Ask your doctor if Viagra is right for you."

46 Points
All-purpose euphemism: "Interesting"

Euphemism (n) : the use of a word or phrase to replace another and that is considered less offensive or less vulgar than the word or phrase it replaces; a word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way
24 March ௨0௧0


16 Points
'The Sandman'? Ha. RIGHT. ~ He's a total misnomer! ~ 'Melaton'n Man', though… #haiku #artwiculate #Goodnight

22 Points
"Honey, I bought us some waterfront property today."/"REALLY?! How'd you afford that?"/*Hands over goldfish bowl.*/Misnomer!!

37 Points
"Daylight Saving Time" - SERIOUSLY? Where do they save that up …in the Misnomer Bank??

21 Points
Miss Nomer, meet Mrs Malaprop …& this is Mr. What's His Face, who came 2the desert on a horse w/no name. #Artwiculate misnomer

34 Points
Misnomer? I call it my 'nom de plume' - I need every feather I can get!

34 Points
"Life is short" is indubitably a misnomer …for those who have the sempiternal perspective of eternity itself.

24 Points
Intentional, tweet-smutty Artwiculati misnomer: "Cunning Linguist"

23 Points
If U call a flibbertigibbet a flibbertigibbet, she'll indubitably think it's a misnomer, tho her hobbledehoy boyfriend won't.

22 Points
"Fartwiculate" - The infamous French-Artwiculate misnomer.

21 Points
"Wordy"? Yup - really NOT a misnomer, unfortunately: It's totally idoneous for the logorrheaic twit in me! ;)

16 Points
@osmarjardim If I called you a troll, would it be a misnomer? ...or, for that matter, "Harry/Hairy"? ;) MT

21 Points
160: The top twitter misnomer.

Misnomer (n) : a use of a term asserted to be misleading; a term asserted to be widely used incorrectly
23 March 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010


11 Points
And whether or not it's obvious to us, indubitably everything's unraveling as it should (i.e. like a moth-eaten sweater?).

30 Points
Tweeting indubitably interferes with work …and visa versa! #Artwiculate

25 Points
Unseen: Wind, love, God ~ And yet, indubitably ~ I know they exist. #haiku

15 Points
Twitter is indubitably over capacity. Too many Twits! Please wait sempiternally, then try again. #FailWhale

Indubitably: °In a manner that leaves no possibility of doubt; undoubtedly.
22 March 2010


38 Points
Oneiric thoughts intrude amidst yawns. To sleep …perhaps to dream? #Goodnight

35 Points
The early bird catches the worm because it knows that the early worm's laced with dew that's like some sort of oneiric drug.

37 Points
One day, we'll awaken to discover this life's oneiric or all-2-real realities gone. The mirror cleared, our new Life's dream will be real.

59 Points
♫ Tweet, tweet, tweet your tweets ~ Into the oneiric stream ~ Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ~ Twitter's just a dream. ♫

55 Points
Our oneiric life ~ Gone …in an onerous wake. ~ Reclaimed in our dreams. #haiku #artwiculate

48 Points
Max's tweets are all oneiric in their nature. Dream ON, big guy!

Oneiric : °Of or pertaining to dreams.
°Resembling a dream; dreamlike.
21 March 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010


16 Points
I have a penchant for Spring~It makes me want to sing~I've Spring fever online~And, that, too, is just fine~I just tweet everything! #poem

14 Points
Yes, well U can PET me (v.) but not OWN me (i.e. chookie).;)> RT @petegoodlet @tWordBird Beautiful birdie I have a penchant for poetic pets

15 Points
Predominant Perp Penchant: America's Most Wonted #artwiculate (MT @languageNhumor)

30 Points
I have a penchant ~ To be independent ~ But nobody is an isle ~ And so I flock …with guile. #poem #OkImDonneNow

Penchant: °taste, liking, or inclination (for).
20 March 2010


53 Points
Flibbertigibbet & Hobbledehoy make the perfect pair ~ Young & awkward, skittish & offbeat, it's a sublime affair. #poem

29 Points
Flibbertigibbet? Oh, you mean 'blonde'. ;)

35 Points
The sudden sound of his booming, brackish brogue sent the flibbertigibbet skyrocketing out of her shoes …landing in his lap.

26 Points
Me? I'm just a feathery feral flibbertigibbet - full of fribble & foofaraw! ~Birdie ;)>

Flibbertigibbet: °An offbeat, skittish person; especially said of a young woman.
°(archaic) An imp, a fiend.
19 March 2010


16 Points
Oooh! Me dogs are barkin' in me brogues. So much so that they seem ta have a whole new cursin' brogue of their own!

20 Points
A rogue's charming brogue will never get knocked; but if you've just an accent, you'll prob'ly get mocked. #poem

36 Points
Grandmother's singing ~ Languor's lilting lullabies ~ Becalmed by a brogue. #haiku #GoodNight

20 Points
If UR going 2put your foot in your mouth, try 2have brogue~s on both - makes it easier 2get out of whatever you've stepped in.

20 Points
There's nothing like an Irish blessing delivered in the author's own brogue - John O'Donahue's "Beannacht" http://bit.ly/OQSdY

51 Points
His brogue was so thick that listening to it was like sinking into a quagmire of peat bogs.

32 Points
If I had to pay a nickel for every 'r' he rolled, I could go broke listening to his brogue & die happy, if penniless.

21 Points
It seems that @Gardencomet has wordy-diarrhea ~ Her self-created brogue's developed logorrhea! ;)

28 Points
He broke her ♥…or did he, tho?~Turns out his brogue twisted words so~She'd thought he'd said something amiss~All's well,now-sealed w/a kiss.

20 Points
How'd the coconut creme & pineapple get into a Green Eyes? Did two islands conflate, & a brogue go rogue?? ♣ #SalonArtwois

33 Points
Your rich brogue begets ~ Viridescent Old Country ~ Transport-to-Erin. ♣ #haiku #artwiculate #Irish #Patricks

28 Points
Brogue? Bartwender, could I get a Guinness with that? Make it a green one! ♣ #SalonArwois

29 Points
My favorite part of listening to the podcasts at #SalonArtwois is the mash-up of the Artwiculatti's brogue~s!

27 Points
Somehow, btw the leprechaun's brogue & mondegreens, his pot of gold morphed into a potable & then into something unfungible&gold on a fence.

26 Points
Brogue? THANK YOU, @artwiculate!☺ Top 'o the mornin' to ya (…& the rest of the day t' myself)! ♣ ♣ ♣

Brogue: (n) : Gaelic term for a strong dialectal accent. In Ireland it used to be a term for Erse spoken with a strong English accent, but gradually changed to mean English spoken with a strong Irish accent as English control of Ireland gradually increased and Erse waned as the standard language; a strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips
18 March 2010


16 Points
Congrats 2our ♕Fungible Queen, Mary(@MaryJenkins), who exchanged therapy 4 a crown, & charged her way 2 the throne w/a brogue-en battery. ;)

21 Points
Time to swap sleep for fungible fatigue! #goodnight #artwiculate

27 Points
Sugar & salt? NOT fungible …except perhaps for Philistine pranks.

21 Points
My funds are all very fungible …for equal amounts of money from any standard Monopoly game. ;)

42 Points
"I always wanted a Fungible Ferrari." / "Huh?" / "You KNOW, a CONVERTIBLE!" / "Oh. (Sheesh.)"

22 Points
Fungible? Trader!

21 Points
Fungible? Could we exchange this WOTD for a St. Patty's Day WOTD of equal value, @artwiculate? ♣☺

Fungible: °(of a debt) Able to be substituted for something of equal value.
17 March 2010


Languor! Yes, I remember languor!

I snuck in ONE small-but-potent tweet within a way-too-busy day (in which I was, idoneously, languorous)...

...&, in my haste ...misspelled "langour"! :(

Ah, well. lol


I'm too parsimonious to spend the time posting my cheap tweets, here.

Either that, or they've disappeared from my Artwiculate page, too.;)

Perhaps if I were more parsimonious about my number of tweets-per-day?


Crud, what DID I tweet, yesternight? I can't recall, & it's now too long ago to still be on my Artwiculate page. lol

Sunday, March 14, 2010


10 Points
Birds are egotistical, too: When we go to have our wingspans measured, we make sure to get in some pandiculation, first!

20 Points
Bartwender, I'll have a Pulchritudinous Pandiculation. Make that a double …unless that's a stretch, for you. #SalonArtwois

15 Points
♫ Pan-di-cu-la-tion pandicula-a-tion ♫ It's makin' me great: Watch me prolongate! ♫ #artwiculate pandiculation

9 Points
@JonPowles JonPowles I'm playing rugby tomorrow. At my age, inadequate pandiculation = inevitable hospitalization.

23 Points
When at an auction, to avoid any pandiculation - you just might end up buying the farm!

23 Points
Robin, try to avoid pandiculation while in your superhero suit - it always ends up being either unseemly or seam-popping!

25 Points
The early bird catches the worm, who has made it easy due to it's early-morning earth-bursting pandiculation.

22 Points
The early bird skips his pandiculation & gets straight to the worm-catching.

26 Points
Pandiculation? EeeeeeaAAAaaaaaaaaahhhh-crick-crack-crack! (Ah, that's better. Thank you, @artwiculate!)

20 Points
Too many tweets! Twitter is currently practicing its' pandiculation. Please wait a moment & try again. #FailWhale

26 Points
Would it be a pandiculation to say that @artwiculate is still half-asleep (it seems they didn't zealously tweet the winners, yesterday)?

20 Points
I prefer to perspicaciously peruse Pink Panther's pandiculation - it's particularly pulchritudinous.

Pandiculation °A stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy or on waking, often accompanied by yawning.

13 March 2010


32 Points
I need to get back to work, but my zealous~ness for Artwiculate is interfering!

22 Points
Zealous? How obsessive!

20 Points
Zealous? US?? ;) #artwiculate

20 Points
Zealous passion: A nervous disorder of youth which leads to a sprawl.

26 Points
We show that we're zealous: For the crown, we could kill? Yet, beneath, we are jealous: Longing for more skill.

25 Points
The zealous bird catches the worm, & crapulously gorges itself 'til there are no worms left for the other birds, & it dies a bloated death.

25 Points
When fellas are zealous for an odalisque bash ~ They should take care, lest they contract a rash. #poem #artwiculate

21 Points
I'd tweet something zealous, but I don't feel in the mood2 steal the zeal of the deal fr those who appeal2 reel fr their steal of the crown.

20 Points
Yep! I'm good (tho a bit too zealous, perhaps?)! LOL RT @Dragonshine @tWordBird Oooh, OK.. fine, I'm wonderful. Happy now?

20 Points
Thanks for disrobing your procession of RT's, previously, everyone. Please don't hesitate to be as zealous w/your voting! ;)

Zealous (adj) : full of zeal; ardent, fervent

12 March 2010


27 Points
Due to spending too much time w/its' Odalisque, Artwiculate is currently on the fritz.

28 Points
Will @Catmar604 be celebrating her big birthday (3/11) Odalisque-style, as our harem queen? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CATHARINE!! ♕♋✿☺♫♥

30 Points
Odalisque? Could you send me over a male version of that, please (pronto)? ;)

27 Points
Odalisque? Nude suite, tout de suite!!

22 Points
Odalisque : Nude crewed.

25 Points
Odalisque? Surely you're confusing me with the turkey! ~Birdie

20 Points
I am surreptitiously Odalisque …hence my incognito avatar, as twitter feels that pornographic images aren't idoneous. ;)

20 Points
No Odalisque~s in HERE! Now move along, everybody.

Odalisque (n) : a female, virginal slave in the Ottoman Seraglio; a representation of an odalisque in a painting

11 March 2010


Yep, you get the picture: My WOTD tweets for this day have also surreptitiously disappeared from my Artwiculate profile. :(


Well, crud *insert wild gesticulations, here* - my 'gesticulate'-tions have also disappeared.

Perhaps I'll insert them from my twitter-stream at a later date.


Hmm - how odious: With my delay in posting my WOTD tweets from the last several days, 'odious' has already disappeared from my Artwiculate user-page. :(

Sunday, March 7, 2010


20 Points
Sandman + Moonlight = Sleep's Symbiosis #goodnight #artwiculate

21 Points
Schlep ur scintillating self over here,U suave sumptuous swashbuckling sycophant;&susurrus surreptitiously 'til somnolent symbiosis sets in.

33 Points
Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, WordPress, Google Buzz, Posterous, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Live… : Social symbiosis overload-is?

31 Points
♫ Super-cloying-felicitous-extra-symbiosis - when you sing it out like this it sounds gregari-o-sous! ♫

30 Points
Ichthyoid symbiosis : @lithiumzombie's goldfish, Ludovic + water + fishbowl + fishfood + Artwiculati to tweet for him. #SalonArtwois

20 Points
Symbiosis : Hookup of the Day

27 Points
Symbiosis? How conspiratorial!

35 Points
Holy symbiosis, Batman! / WHAT is, Robin? /Us, of course. / Robin, you're a little batty. / Well I AM your bat-protégé!

22 Points
Symbiosis? I think I'd rather be parasitic. ;)

22 Points
Halitosis Symbiosis - the new dental co-op.

24 Points
The early bird & the worm: Where sunrise's symbiosis meets half-light halitosis. ;)>

26 Points
#SalonArtwois - the symbiosis between Artwiculate & its' Artwiculati. A place of respite & what-notty! http://j.mp/cTNmyE

Symbiosis definition: (n) : a close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that normally benefits both members; a relationship of mutual benefit

Saturday, March 6, 2010


  • 30 Points
    Mouth an open 'O' ~ It would be idoneous ~ To bid you adieu! #Goodnight #haiku #artwiculate

  • 34 Points
    Would a fleet tweet be idoneous for a laxative effect, or just erroneous? #jokes #artwiculate

  • 32 Points
    It would be idoneous to blame my outlandish tweets on Artwiculate (…& my twisted mind).

  • 42 Points
    Is this tweet idoneous, or does it make my butt look big? ;)

  • 45 Points
    His idoneous tweet caught her eye. ~ His solicitous smile made him her guy. #micropoetry #artwiculate

  • 42 Points
    Her poem was very well-timed~& also befittingly-rhymed.~In idoneous queue~They said, “We’ll vote for YOU!”~Artwiculate won, she sublimed.

  • 20 Points
    Implacable Immanuel imagined it idyllic & idoneous when impassioned ingenue Imelda identified his impatient interest.

  • 38 Points
    I tweet to play, & hope to win.~It rarely works, to my chagrin.~ Idoneous though it would be~No fingers crossed for victory!

  • 31 Points
    May the least-idoneous tweet win! (Oh, wait - on second thought…)

  • 25 Points
    Iden & Idola, idyllic iguanas, invented an idoneous & ineffable iridescent & viridescent ilk!

  • 39 Points
    In old Roman times, things were not so idoneous. Tweeps engraved every Tweet in stone when playing Artwiticulatus.

  • 46 Points
    Better to be an idoneous friar than a felonious monk.

  • 25 Points
    Although something may appear idoneous ~ One should always ensure it is not erroneous. #micropoetry #artwiculate

  • 37 Points
    We tweet & retweet with idoneous timing ~ With witty words & clever rhyming. #micropoetry #artwiculate

  • 25 Points
    Idoneous may be apropos ~ But it sounds erroneous, ya know?! #micropoetry

  • 37 Points
    Holy hubris, Batman - do you REALLY think our superhero suits are idoneous? They show both hemispheres & turn other bits into hyperboles!

  • 29 Points
    The early bird gets the worm. Why? Because it's idoneous.

  • 27 Points
    Idoneous? How felicitous!

  • 26 Points
    Idoneous : Worthy of the Day

  • 21 Points
    Her mellifluous peals of laughter may have been more idoneous had they not echoed off the rafters of the cathedral at the pope's funeral.

  • 34 Points
    It's not idoneous 2 use 'idoneous' instead of 'appropriate' when 'appropriate' is more idoneous because 'idoneous' is unknown.

  • 22 Points
    When one mentions @MaxRaunchiness, it's really redundant to add the fact that he is not idoneous.

  • 20 Points
    Oh, now I'M responsible 4 your cracks? That's not idoneous! RT @StarOfSavannah @tWordBird LOL! You crack me up, Birdie! Thank you for that.

    Idoneous definition: appropriate; suitable.
    06 March 2010

  • Susurrus

  • 11 Points
    A susurrus of wings in flight ...bye-bye, Birdie! :)

  • 15 Points
    Every whiff of petrichor, every raindrop is a susurrus of hope from the heavens …at least 'til it floods into a quagmire! (cc @dmriver)

  • 16 Points
    Susurrus : The soft speech of snakes - the murmurings they make. "Sussssssssssurrussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss."

  • 30 Points
    A mantra of onomatopoeic susurrus-es brings a calm to the soul like gentle waves caressing a sunlit beach: "susurrussusurrussusurrus …"

  • 44 Points
    I hear the susurrus of wings ~ Softly now, my angel sings ~ And, to my soul, great peace it brings. #poem

  • 46 Points
    Susurrus : Logorrhea's introverted sister.

  • 30 Points
    Susurrus? Babble ON!

    Susurrus definition: A whispering or rustling sound; a murmur.

    05 March 2010
  • Okay, So That Settles It (For Now, Anyway)

    Okay, so that's what I'll do for now, I've decided (post blog-postings to record my previous days' WOTD entries on Artwiculate) - since Artwiculate's WOTD tweets-record only goes back for a limited number of entries, right (if I'm wrong, & there's some way to access those (beyond everyone's top-50's for previous days/words) please let me know, someone!

    Symbiotic Logorrhea Expialadocious

    Just opened this blog for when I get logorrhea whilst tweeting. I figured this would be a good symbiosis, no? ;) Plus, Salon Artwois offered the opportunity, & all.)

    I currently, however, have NO idea what I'll post in here (if anything). I suppose I could use it to record my Artwiculate submissions so that they don't get lost within a stream of tweets which require endless scrolling to find? Hmm.

    Okay, now that I've stated how wordy & logorrhific I am, I've run out of things to say; so aurevoir.