Archipelago: °A group of islands. °Something scattered around like an archipelago.
25 March 2010
16 Points
Artwiculate: The twttr-based WOTD competition that helps clever people look clever &helps the rest of us learn an archipelago of new words.
[Ah, yes - yet another take on the Artwic slogan ...tho not a particularly clever one. *yawn*]
40 Points
Creamy, silken sea ~ Archipelago of moles ~ Nature's best at tatts. #artwiculate
[I was delighted at the serendipity of finding that another player had tweeted such a similar haiku (neither of us realizing...)]
RT @Wifsie Bewitching freckles / golden archipelago / in a sea of pearl/ #haiku #artwiculate
57 Points
Sadly, an unexpected power failure at #SalonArtwois left an archipelago of belly-up goldfish floating in the aquarium. ><> <><
[This one seemed to be popular the Artwiculati's goldfish are, also ...& it is also rather reminiscent of @MarcosArroyos' macabre tweets. LOL Plus, tweeps found the li'l text-goldfish symbols appealing (I do, too - glad I remembered those).]
44 Points
Yesternight I archipelago~ed some penne pasta all over the kitchen floor.
[This was a "true story" tweet! lol I'm SUCH a clutz.]
46 Points
I'm a feathery flighty flibbertigibbet: an archipelago ~But if your penchant's to call me Peninsula, it's an indubitable misnomer, U know!
[Perhaps, after 'penne' AND 'Peninsula', you should just call me 'Penny' ...or would that just be another misnomer? ;) ]
48 Points
No person is an island~We function as a band~We are incomplete ourselves, you know~But entire as an archipelago. #ஒகிம்டோன்னேநோவ்
[Not sure why I'm stuck on Donne, lately - this was at least my second one ...tho the island theme was a no-brainer-connection, w/this WOTD.]
Other it's-been-Donne related tweets by the Artwiculati:
RT @TiddK No man is an island: those words are Donne/ & as we hear the tolling bell we know / that in a vast archipelago of souls we dwell
RT @JonPowles No man is an island, but sometimes I resemble an archipelago
RT @celticgladiator No man is an archipelago
RT @Beepbidlio No man is an island, but he could be part of an archipelago. #artwiculate
And, now I'M Donne (for the moment - tho I sense more opportunities to come, w/that one)!
Another New Year, another new plan
1 month ago
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