16 Points
Oooh! Me dogs are barkin' in me brogues. So much so that they seem ta have a whole new cursin' brogue of their own!
20 Points
A rogue's charming brogue will never get knocked; but if you've just an accent, you'll prob'ly get mocked. #poem
36 Points
Grandmother's singing ~ Languor's lilting lullabies ~ Becalmed by a brogue. #haiku #GoodNight
20 Points
If UR going 2put your foot in your mouth, try 2have brogue~s on both - makes it easier 2get out of whatever you've stepped in.
20 Points
There's nothing like an Irish blessing delivered in the author's own brogue - John O'Donahue's "Beannacht" http://bit.ly/OQSdY
51 Points
His brogue was so thick that listening to it was like sinking into a quagmire of peat bogs.
32 Points
If I had to pay a nickel for every 'r' he rolled, I could go broke listening to his brogue & die happy, if penniless.
21 Points
It seems that @Gardencomet has wordy-diarrhea ~ Her self-created brogue's developed logorrhea! ;)
28 Points
He broke her ♥…or did he, tho?~Turns out his brogue twisted words so~She'd thought he'd said something amiss~All's well,now-sealed w/a kiss.
20 Points
How'd the coconut creme & pineapple get into a Green Eyes? Did two islands conflate, & a brogue go rogue?? ♣ #SalonArtwois
33 Points
Your rich brogue begets ~ Viridescent Old Country ~ Transport-to-Erin. ♣ #haiku #artwiculate #Irish #Patricks
28 Points
Brogue? Bartwender, could I get a Guinness with that? Make it a green one! ♣ #SalonArwois
29 Points
My favorite part of listening to the podcasts at #SalonArtwois is the mash-up of the Artwiculatti's brogue~s!
27 Points
Somehow, btw the leprechaun's brogue & mondegreens, his pot of gold morphed into a potable & then into something unfungible&gold on a fence.
26 Points
Brogue? THANK YOU, @artwiculate!☺ Top 'o the mornin' to ya (…& the rest of the day t' myself)! ♣ ♣ ♣
Brogue: (n) : Gaelic term for a strong dialectal accent. In Ireland it used to be a term for Erse spoken with a strong English accent, but gradually changed to mean English spoken with a strong Irish accent as English control of Ireland gradually increased and Erse waned as the standard language; a strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips
18 March 2010
Another New Year, another new plan
1 month ago
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