16 Points
'The Sandman'? Ha. RIGHT. ~ He's a total misnomer! ~ 'Melaton'n Man', though… #haiku #artwiculate #Goodnight
22 Points
"Honey, I bought us some waterfront property today."/"REALLY?! How'd you afford that?"/*Hands over goldfish bowl.*/Misnomer!!
37 Points
"Daylight Saving Time" - SERIOUSLY? Where do they save that up …in the Misnomer Bank??
21 Points
Miss Nomer, meet Mrs Malaprop …& this is Mr. What's His Face, who came 2the desert on a horse w/no name. #Artwiculate misnomer
34 Points
Misnomer? I call it my 'nom de plume' - I need every feather I can get!
34 Points
"Life is short" is indubitably a misnomer …for those who have the sempiternal perspective of eternity itself.
24 Points
Intentional, tweet-smutty Artwiculati misnomer: "Cunning Linguist"
23 Points
If U call a flibbertigibbet a flibbertigibbet, she'll indubitably think it's a misnomer, tho her hobbledehoy boyfriend won't.
22 Points
"Fartwiculate" - The infamous French-Artwiculate misnomer.
21 Points
"Wordy"? Yup - really NOT a misnomer, unfortunately: It's totally idoneous for the logorrheaic twit in me! ;)
16 Points
@osmarjardim If I called you a troll, would it be a misnomer? ...or, for that matter, "Harry/Hairy"? ;) MT
21 Points
160: The top twitter misnomer.
Misnomer (n) : a use of a term asserted to be misleading; a term asserted to be widely used incorrectly
23 March 2010
Another New Year, another new plan
1 month ago
I especially like your Daylight Saving Time entry! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Paul (I appreciate your comment/feedback). :)