°Good-natured banter; raillery.
°Frivolous, lighthearted discussion of a topic.26 March 2010
Ha! This was a fun one. ... Perhaps a wee bit TOO fun! ;)
I don't know what got into me (*mischievous eye-twinkle*), but I decided to have a little lighthearted fun to the extreme, with this WOTD (word of the day). Since 'persiflage' was a synonym of 'raillery' - a previous Artwiculate WOTD - I decided to recycle/modify/MT some of the top 'raillery' tweets as some 'persiflage' entries.
Call it a social/psychological experiment or call it an artwiculate points-test or call it a flippantly-wicked (*evil-li'l-chirpy-chuckle*) incitement of banter &/or riot-of-raillery. The latter is probably most-accurate, as I was confident that the Artwiculati would quickly catch on to my little game.
Sure 'nuff, word quickly got out to @routermonkey about my (MT-@-less) 'recycling' of his tweet.
Here's his original 'raillery' tweet:
RT @routermonkey Bob's schizophrenia was mild - the voices in his head only engaged in raillery.
...and here's my MT (i.e. "modified tweet") WOTD entry of it:
34 Points
Sam's schizophrenia was mild: the voices in his head only engaged in persiflage.
[Granted, not modified much (maybe 10% or so?) ...tho, I must say I much-prefer the alliterative quality which the name Sam added to it, tho *evil-giggle*.]
Here's Monkey's response to my uber-persiflage play:
RT @routermonkey Hey @twordbird, not cool recycling my raillery tweet for persiflage today. #artwiculate
[Which, BTW, was RT'd by @SJHatzi ~7 min later. ;)] which I responded w/the following 2 tweets:
@tWordBird: Just trying 2 incite some persiflage, @routermonkey …tho your "not cool" seems decidedly lacking in "lighthearted banter." Hmm
[Well, it was - totally lacking in the good-natured humor/wit portion of the definition, I'd say. Hmph.]
@tWordBird: I promise to recycle your crown for you, should my persiflage-MT of your schizophrenic raillery win, @routermonkey. ;)
[Think anyone's lightening up enough to flip(-pantly) me the Birdie, yet?! *evil chirp* lol]
So ...oh what a tangled web we weave ...when first we practice to mess w/the artwiculati's original tweets (& their/our associated egos?)! ;) Can we say 'taboo' (what was that taboo-related word we had, recently ...I can't think of it, now ...oh well)??
While I didn't hear back from @routermonkey, I DID get an earful (do birds have ears? lol) from @ultracutebot:
RT @ultracutebot @tWordBird since when did inciting persiflage become the trojan horse for recycling others' tweets without crediting them? cc: @routermonkey
[UH-oh. YIKES! "Trojan horse"? Seriously??]
So, I replied:
@tWordBird: .@ultracutebot Now, who said I was never going to credit the dear monkey?! Wow. (…&, TODAY, since it's the WOTD). cc: @routermonkey
[I realize I likely worded my response tot the "when" question poorly, since I don't at ALL see this as some sort of subversive warlike move to attempt to win w/someone else's tweet (rather, I was trying to refer to the 'lighten UP' aspects of the WOTD's playful definition). My theory was/is, actually, that points-giving can be highly-capricious; & my expectations were that my MT's/recyclings would not receive near as many points/RT's, when I tweeted them (different day, different tweeter, slightly different modifications, & a host of other variables).]
My plan, from the beginning of this (though not at all as thoroughly thought-out as this blog-post sounds, granted - after the fact) had been to allow the recyclings-/MT's & (especially) their original authors/tweets to be brought out by the artwiculati &/or to reveal them afterwards, if need be.
I followed that response with another 'lighthearted banter' tweet ...this time formed as an Artwiculate entry:
@tWordBird: Some people can become very piqued at playful persiflage!! which dear Cutie-Bot replied:
RT @ultracutebot some people can be very flippant about others' intellectual property while hiding behind the guise of playful persiflage
[Ohhh dear! The artwiculati circuitry (i.e. of routers & bots) seemed to be shorting out all over the place! ;) So much for that 'lighthearted playfulness' part of persiflage! fact that was what I'd tweeted, after QTBot's "some people" tweet:
tWordBird: Yikes - sounds like @ultracutebot's circuits are about to blow a fuse! Somebody throw some coolant her way!
Actually, QTbot's last tweet, there, also brought to mind the whole "intellectual property" reality, when it comes to tweets (especially) & other posted materials ...of which I'd run across some interesting info recently. So, I've looked up another one (I had also RT'd one, not too long ago, but I'm not sure where that one is, at the moment) - here's that link, if anyone's interested:
...and speaking of this-all, on a related note of interest, I believe that many/most of these games (Artwiculate-included) have things in their terms & conditions which state that our creations - once posted on their websites - are considered to be non-confidential and non-proprietary & that they're free to use/distribute/profit from it however they may choose (which I must admit that I personally find a bit disconcerting, in a way - I don't know).
Anywho... if you're wondering how things ended up w/the schizophrenia tweet: I never heard back from Router Monkey; ultracutebot included me in a #FollowFriday tweet the next day (which is a recommendation to others to follow me, for anyone who's not Twitter-fluent out there) ...although, I had to wonder, briefly, if that might be an #ff-you or something LOL; &, as you can see, my MT'd tweet didn't garner anywhere near winning points (or even top-50-board worthy - the lowest scores that made it were a point above that); & my MT'd tweet of my OWN previous top-50 'raillery' tweet about mockingbirds made it into the top-20.
So, on to the rest of the logue-roll for the blog.
Here are the rest of my MT'd tweets for the day - along w/their original tweet-inspirations:
50 Points
@SJHatzi Raillery - fencing with wit.
[I think I jabbed a bit more than Silia did, with my foil! lol I rather like hers better, tho. But it was 'my' next-highest, points-wise.]
51 Points
[This one was the MT of my own previous tweet. Here's my original one (which had made it into the top-ten, previously (6th or tied-for 4th, depending on how you count):]
tWordBird: Ah, yes, "raillery"… we have raillery EXPERTS, within the bird world! Haven’t you heard of the MOCKINGbirds??!
45 Points
@harrarp Barman, raillery all around! The joke is on me!
30 Points
@MarilynLittle Raillery is a workout. My funny-bone is sore as heck.
40 Points
@Tralala56 Every owl knows that to win the heart of your loved one you need to be good at artful raillery ~ To wit, to woo!
21 Points
If life keeps plunging you into the poorhouse, hold onto your persiflage …& your pursestrings!
@kado56 When life keeps tripping you up, hold onto raillery!
[Again, I like Katy's better. Persiflage was a challenging MT, with this one.]
@kado56 When life keeps tripping you up, hold onto raillery!
[Again, I like Katy's better. Persiflage was a challenging MT, with this one.]
22 Points
@Ysabeluna we enjoy daily raillery / as true blue Artwicullati/ crafting daily tweet/ make our day sweet/ please re-tweet/
You can also view the players' original/previous 'raillery' tweet-entries here:
...& the rest of my entries (from last to first, here on in):
38 Points
I fly into night ~ On the wings of persiflage ~ Dream lighthearted dreams. #haiku #Artwiculate #Goodnight
[I rather like the birdlike references & the oneiric quality of this one, myself.]
20 Points
Some people can become very piqued at playful persiflage!!
[As above. Actually got 20 pts!]
20 Points
Hey! You'd better watch your persiflage or I'll flog ya with my purse!
[What a baaad pun/mondegreen-attempt!]
[What a baaad pun/mondegreen-attempt!]
34 Points
Yes, I am a persifleur ~ I'll persiflage U whilst U endure ~ But there's one thing U can't refute: ~ I shall never perseCUTE!
[Oh dear - it's only getting worse. lol Although, I suppose it does make a point of sorts, at least?]
26 Points
Persiflage? Oh, you mean those bantam chicks? ;)>
[Again - the bantam/banter thing, here, is a groaner ...but still managed to get 26pts! And, hey - it IS bird-related, although foul. lol]
[Again - the bantam/banter thing, here, is a groaner ...but still managed to get 26pts! And, hey - it IS bird-related, although foul. lol]
20 Points
Never treat a persimmon with persiflage - you'll end up looking a bloody mess! ;)
[Hmm... well, there is some truth in that one, isn't there? Those suckers/seeds stain!]
19 Points
Thx 4 keeping my persiflage tweets going (w/ur RTs) @osmarjardim @Ysabeluna @SJHatzi @catmar604 @itzquauhtli @coinopratdchris @ultracutebot
[Umm, this one was an accidental-entry: I forgot to mangle the word so that it wouldn't end up on the artwiculate website. lol]
20 Points
I promise to recycle your crown for you, should my persiflage-MT of your schizophrenic raillery win, @routermonkey. ;)
[How on earth did this & the next one actually garner 20 pts, I wonder?!]
Just trying 2 incite some persiflage, @routermonkey …tho your "not cool" seems decidedly lacking in "lighthearted banter." Hmm
[As above.]
THE END (...for now ...until I get another feather up my beak to do something else annoying [hey, it's not like it hasn't been done to me, before, out there in Twitterdom &/or the Artwic-Circle, either]!)
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